Tuesday 9 October 2012

Poster Idea 1

This is an individual idea for our soap opera poster, out of several others created by other members in my group. Different ones have been made to gather seperate ideas based on the research we have gathered. This helps to improve the development of our poster and helps us make sure we follow conventions.

The focus of this poster design is Ben and Rachel, stood back to back. This is a common convention of soap opera posters and clearly connotes how they are against each other. The tag line 'Will Ben Fall for Rachel's Tricks?' is used to draw the viewer in and make them curious about the soap. A prop is used - Rachel is holding money. This is used to connote various things about her character and the narrative, such as bribery, bragging and trickery. Information about the name of the soap as well as where when it will be shown is included; it will be shown on Channel 4 (as seen by the logo) and the name of the soap is Maple Way. The logo for the soap opera name is in the style of a street sign, to also bring about connotations of a street, the people on it and to show a sense of community.

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