Wednesday 5 September 2012

Soap Opera Poster 1
This is a billboard poster for the soap opera Hollyoaks.

Key things that stand out are the limited use of text, the colours and the imagery. There is very little text used on the poster- only enough that clearly indicates to the viewer what the poster is about. The text 'A week that will change Hollyoaks forever' does not give much information away, but rather hooks the viewer and makes them curious about what is to happen. The text also lists the day Hollyoaks will be shown, as well as the Channel 4 logo on the right which is used due to its familiarity with the viewers. The font used is simplistic and easily readable, but also bold as the black makes it stand out. This is a simple but effective way of getting across important information to the viewer.

The colours used in the posted are orange, yellow, red (the fire) and white and black for the text and logo. This makes the text and logo clearly stand out from the fiery colours, drawing the viewer's eyes to them.

The imagery itself involves five characters from the show- two male, three female. The symbolism of the characters being made of fire could link with story lines within the show, as fire has connotations of danger, destruction, anger, power and passion. These connotations could be between the characters shown as part of their story lines, or with five separate story lines specific to the characters. The fire could also represent parts of the characters' personalities.

Generally, this poster appeals to existing audiences of Hollyoaks, particularly as a regular viewer would recognise the characters and perhaps understand the symbolism that represents the story lines between them. However, this poster could potentially attract a new viewer or audience out of curiosity.

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