Wednesday 11 July 2012

Real Media Texts - Soap Opera Episodes

(Episode aired on 31st August, 23 minutes long)

Number of characters and types
Number of scenes
Story lines evident

13 characters
Family abandoned by mother- 2 teen girls and 1 teen male
Middle aged mother who’s just come out of prison and her 3 late teenage daughters- 1 with pink hair, 1 with brunette hair and 1 with blonde
Group of young adult male friends

Inside houses
Outside shops
In the street
Coffee shop
The scenes alternate between the three story lines in the episode
Alcoholic mother ran away
Men fighting over a girl
Male character returning to the village due to a job offer

Getting information on specific Hollyoaks episodes helps me in gathering information about what is typically seen in an episode - the types of characters, settings and storylines used. This will benefit the development of our soap opera pieces as we will be able to use similar techniques and make our soap conventional when developing it.

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