Friday 21 September 2012

Past Students Soap Opera Trailer 1

This is a soap opera trailer created by students who were in the year above me called Whodunnit.

There are various things I think are good about the trailer- there is a good range of characters, both female and male and their relationships with other characters are shown, such the group of boys at the start that are clearly shown as friends, a couple who are hugging and a pregnant woman. There are several narratives briefly shown throughout the trailer- such as the main one being the introduction of a new character, conflict between a couple and a teen pregnancy.There is also a variation in camera shots used, which follows the female character around as she walks through the streets- this helps to make the audience curious about her and the reactions she is getting. Another good factor is that both non-diegetic and diegetic sound are used, such as non-diegetic music, diegetic character dialogue and non-diegetic narration at the end. The trailer also clearly gives information such as the soap opera's name and when and where it is broadcasted.

However, there are some issues in the trailer. At times the framing means that character's heads are cut off, or some camera shots look awkward and not appropriately used. Another issue is lighting- sometimes it is too low-key to see things in shot clearly, which may be due to the time of day it was filmed. The non-diegetic music which plays in the background may also be a little too loud over the diegetic dialogue, and after a while it can seem repetitive.

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