Monday 3 September 2012

Soap Opera Magazine Cover 1

This is the front cover of a soap opera magazine called Inside Soap.

There are various factors of the cover that immediately grab the viewer's attention- these being the magazine's title, the image of two characters beneath that and the text 'long-lost sisters?' The text in both the title and the storyline caption are very large, therefore making them the most attention-grabbing. The large images of two characters is also to illustrate the soap opera's storyline, as they will be familiar to the show's audience.

Colours used most frequently on the cover are red, orange, yellow and white. These colours contrast sharply when used against eachother, making them attract the reader's attention as well as prominently stand out.

Surrounding the main focus point of the magazine- the two females- there are various boxes containing snapshots from the soap operas themselves, with captions over the top briefly describing the plot line. There is also a slogan underneath the magazine's title, which uses repetition with the word 'every' to make it snappy and recognisable.

There is very little white space on the cover as a whole, making it crowded and so that there is a lot to look at. Most of the text on the cover is in uppercase lettering to make it stand out, and the fonts used are all similar- using thick and bold lettering- so that all the text on the page is consistent as well as attention-grabbing.

Other small things included on the cover is a barcode, a price for the magazine and the dates the magazine is relevant for.

The cover is used generally to give an insight of what is inside the magazine and to convince the viewer into being interested by the images and text used. Familiar faces and imagery are shown for existing audiences of the soap operas included, using bright colours and bold text to gain their attention.

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